Fivetran URI format

Please note that our Fivetran cloud uri format is not ideal and might be replaced in the future by a format including the id of the account. Current format assumes your tenant have only one Fivetran cloud instance registered.

For a Fivetran cloud instance:

Identifier fragments:

  • Namespace: fivetran:
    • Scheme = fivetran
    • Authority = no authority
  • Unique name: {connectorId}

URI format:

  • fivetran:{connectorId}

Parameters limitations:

  • connectorId must include only lowercases letters and underscore (regex:[a-z_]+ )
  • connectorId in Fivetran are usually an association of two words separated by an underscore, like supra_wildlife for example.


  • fivetran:supra_wildlife

For a Fivetran self-hosted instance Cloud instance:

Identifier fragments:

  • Namespace: fivetran://{host}:{port}
    • Scheme = fivetran
    • Authority = {host}:{port}
  • Unique name: {connectorId}

URI format:

  • fivetran://{host}:{port}/{connectorId}

Parameters limitations:

  • host identifier must start with a lowercase letter and include only lowercase letters, numbers, dash and dot (regex: [a-z][a-z0-9-.]+ )
  • port number must include only numbers
  • connectorId must include only lowercases letters and underscore (regex:[a-z_]+ )
  • connectorId in Fivetran are usually an association of two words separated by an underscore, like ludicrous_cat for example.


  • fivetran://