Templates Library

Monitors can be set both on a table or a field level in order to control specific Data Quality criteria. They can be run manually or automatically based on a Schedule, and they can alert users in case of a breach (see: Notifications Setup).

Below, you'll find a Library of predefined Sifflet Monitor Templates.

Table-level HealthVolume (dynamic)TableCounts newly ingested rows and compares them to expectations based on past behavior.
Table-level HealthVolume (static)TableCounts newly ingested rows and compares them to expectations based on a set threshold (absolute or relative).
Table-level HealthRow-level DuplicatesTableComputes the duplication rate [%] on a row-level and compares it to the expected value based on past behavior.
Table-level HealthFreshnessTableVerifies whether new rows have been ingested into your table following the expected pattern.
Table-level HealthFreshness (Update time gap)TableThe monitor fails when the duration since the last update deviates from historical norms.
Table-level HealthSchema ChangeTableDetects any change to the schema: new field(s), removed field(s), existing field(s) with updated types or names.
MetricsStandard Deviation (static thresholds)Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if a standard deviation of the field is outside of a given range.
MetricsUnique Values Count (static thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if a number of unique values is outside of a given range.
MetricsAverage (static thresholds)Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if an average value of a given field is outside of a given range.
MetricsSum (static thresholds)Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if a sum of the field is outside of a given range.
MetricsValues (static thresholds)Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if the chosen field has any values outside of a given range.
MetricsQuantile (static thresholds)Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if a quantile of the field is outside of a given range.
MetricsVariance (static thresholds)Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if a variance of the field is outside of a given range.
Smart MetricsMetrics (dynamic thresholds)Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if the selected statistical transformation of the field behaves differently than it did in the past.
Smart MetricsCustom Metrics (dynamic thresholds)TableThe rule fails if the time series returned by the query behave differently than they did in the past
Smart MetricsCorrelated Metrics Fields: NumericThe monitor fails if defined metrics diverge significantly from each other.
Field profilingDistribution ChangeFields: AllThe monitor fails if the distribution of a given field has changed abnormally compared to a former given run.
Field profilingDuplicates Count (static thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if the count of duplicate field values is superior to a given threshold.
Field profilingDuplicates Count (dynamic thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if the count of duplicate field values is abnormal compared to expectations based on past behavior.
Field profilingDuplicates Percentage (static thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if chosen field duplication rate [%] is superior to a given threshold.
Field profilingDuplicates Percentage (dynamic thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if the % of duplicate values of the field is abnormal compared to expectations based on past behavior.
Field profilingNot in the listFields: StringThe monitor fails if the chosen field has values that are not present in the given list.
Field profilingNull Count (static thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if the chosen field has values that are empty/null.
Field profilingNull Percentage (static thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if the null value rate of the selected field is superior to a given threshold.
Field profilingNull Count (dynamic thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if the count of null values of the field is abnormal compared to expectations based on past behavior.
Field profilingNull Percentage (dynamic thresholds)Fields: AllThe monitor fails if the % of null values of the field is abnormal compared to expectations based on past behavior.
Field profilingUniqueFields: AllThe monitor fails if the chosen field has duplications.
Format validationIs an emailFields: StringThe monitor fails if the chosen field contains at least one row that does not have an email format.
Format validationIs a phone numberFields: StringThe monitor fails if the chosen field contains at least one row that does not have a phone number format.
I.e. checking for 6 to 16 digits and will accept the field to contain the following characters +, -, (, )
Format validationIs UUIDFields: StringThe monitor fails if the chosen field contains at least one row that does not have a UUID format.
Format validationMatches regexFields: StringThe rule fails if the selected field contains at least one row that does not match the format specified by the given regular expression.
CustomSQLTableAdvanced template to write custom monitors based on business specifics. The SQL query must describe a quality breach on one or more tables within the same data source.
CustomConditional monitorsTablesAs for SQL, this template allows to write custom monitors based on business use cases. With conditional statements, no SQL syntax is needed. The rule fails if values are found inside the filtering criteria set by conditional rules