Athena URI format

URI definition for Athena follows this standard:

Identifier fragments:

  • Namespace: awsathena://athena.{region_name}
    • Scheme = awsathena
    • Authority = athena.{region_name}
  • Unique name: {catalog}.{database}.{table}

URI format:

  • awsathena://athena.{region_name}{catalog}.{database}.{table}

Parameters limitations:

  • region_name identifier must start with a lowercase letter and include only lowercase letters, numbers and dash (regex: [a-z][a-z0-9-]*)
  • catalog identifier must include only lowercases, uppercases, numbers, underscore, dash and @ (regex:
  • database and table identifiers must include only characters included in those unicode ranges:
    • U+0020 to U+002D
    • U+002F to UD800
    • U+DBFF to U+DC00
    • U+DFFF to U+FFFD


  • awsathena://
  • awsathena://데이터_베이스.table
  • awsathena://