Workspace schema


kind: Workspace
version: 1
id: UUID               # (REQUIRED) ID of the workspace
name: String           # (REQUIRED) Name of the workspace
description: String    # (optional - default null) Description of the workspace
include:               # (REQUIRED) List of files to include
- String               # Glob pattern of the files to include
exclude:               # (optional - default *[]*) List of files to exclude
- String               # Glob pattern of the files to exclude

Note that the files that will be considered part of the workspace are all files that:

  • Match ANY of the include glob pattern
  • AND do NOT match ANY of the exclude glob pattern


This example includes all YAML files that are not in the dbt nor admin folders.

kind: Workspace
version: 1
id: 37114815-3d82-4d8a-93e6-4b2bf78afe84
name: My first workspace
description: |
  This is a great workspace.
  You can find the source at
- "**/*.yaml"   # Glob pattern matching all files with *.yaml* extensions
- "**/*.yml"    # Glob pattern matching all files with *.yml* extension
- "dbt/**"      # Glob pattern exlucing all files in *dbt* folder
- "admin/**"    # Glob pattern excluding all files in *admin* folder