
PagerDuty incidents can be automatically created in case of Sifflet monitor failure. Generating PagerDuty incidents in case of monitor failures ensures data quality issues detected by Sifflet fit into your existing incident management workflow and that no important issue gets accidentally overlooked.

Set up the Integration

You can have PagerDuty incidents generated from failing monitors using Sifflet Email integration and PagerDuty's ability to create incidents from email.

Follow the below steps to set the integration up (note: below guidelines correspond to the Integrate with a PagerDuty Service integration flow):

  1. Go to the Service Directory section of the Services menu entry
  2. Click on the service you want to generate Sifflet monitors incidents in
  3. Click on the Integrations tab
  4. Click on the + Add an Integration button
  5. Tick the Email integration and click the Add button
  6. Click the gear button of the email integration you just set up
  7. Copy the email address from the Integration Email row of the table
  8. Head to the Settings > Alert Destinations page of your Sifflet application
  9. Add the copied email address to the list of Configured mail addresses in the Mail section of the page
  10. Start adding the configured email address to the monitors you expect PagerDuty incidents to be triggered from in case of failure.

For more details on any of the above steps or on different integration flows, visit the Sifflet and PagerDuty related documentation pages.