Azure Active Directory

This article shows how to configure Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) as the identity provider for single sign-on (SSO) on Sifflet.

1- Configure your Identity Provider

a. Retrieve the SSO details in Sifflet

  • Connect to Sifflet with an Admin Account
  • In Settings -> submenu SSO -> turn on SSO
  • Choose your Platform (Azure AD here)
  • Save the information under "Sifflet Configuration"; you will need it in the next section.

b. Create a dedicated application for Sifflet on Azure AD

Create your Sifflet application on Azure; see Microsoft's guide.

During this registration, you need to input Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL from the previous step on the Sifflet platform.

Make sure to add a new claim name = email with source attribute = user.mail; and download the certificate (base 64) needed to finish the setup on Sifflet.

2- Configure the SSO in Sifflet

Finish the setup on Sifflet by adding the following from the newly created application on Azure AD:

  • Entity ID
  • Certificate

3. Test your SSO

  • You can now test your SSO by pressing the "Test" button on the bottom right of the page.
  • If successful, don't forget to press on "Save" to activate the SSO effectively.

The configuration is done!