Objects available via data sharing

Here's a breakdown of the different tables you can access through Sifflet's Data Sharing feature:

Table NameDescriptionKey Information
USERDetails on users of the Sifflet tenantCreation times, roles, last login...
CHARTList of intermediate BI objectsDatasource & Asset ID, Title, Chart Type...
ASSETDetails on cataloged assets (tables, views, etc.)Asset Name & Type, Datasource ID, Health Status...
DATASOURCE_RUNFull history of source runs (metadata ingestion)Execution End, Last Status, Created By...
TAGList of all tags and terms (attached to Sifflet or imported from a source)Name, Creator, Time of Creation...
DASHBOARDCataloged dashboardsDashboard & Datasource ID, Type, Health Status...
MONITOR_RUNFull history of monitor executionsMonitor ID, corresponding Incident ID, time at which a monitor run, status...
ASSET_USAGEDetails on the usage of cataloged assets (computed from ingested metadata)Asset ID, times and asset has been accessed/read...
ASSET_USAGE_PER_DATASOURCE_USERDetails of users' usage of the cataloged assets (usage at the user level)User Name, Asset Access...
DOMAINAll domains on the tenantDomain Name, ID, creation time...
INCIDENTIncidents automatically triggered or manually created in SiffletCriticality, Creation time, Closure information, Impact...
ASSET_FIELDFields (columns) of all cataloged assetsAsset IDs, Column names...
MONITORDetails on monitors, including parametersMonitor Names, Parameters, Criticality...
COLLECTIONList of intermediate BI objectsCollection Name, Type...
LINEAGEEdges of the lineageDownstream & Upstream IDs of a given lineage node
DATASOURCEAll sources (native and declarative)Creation time, Creator, Technology...
ALERTING_HOOKAll alerting hooks (alerting channels)Alerting type (service), Destinations,
RELATIONSHIP_ASSET_FIELD_TAGRelationship between fields of cataloged assets and the tags that have been assigned to themAsset & Tag IDs
RELATIONSHIP_INCIDENT_MONITORRelationship between incidents and the corresponding monitorsMonitor & Incident IDs
RELATIONSHIP_MONITOR_TAGRelationship between monitors and the tags that have been assigned to themMonitor & Tag ID
RELATIONSHIP_DOMAIN_USERRelationship between users and domains + permissions on the domainDomain & User ID, User Roles...
RELATIONSHIP_ASSET_MONITORRelationship between monitors and assets (tables, views) on which they are appliedAsset & Monitor ID
RELATIONSHIP_DATASOURCE_TAGRelationship between sources and the tags that have been assigned to themDatasource & Tag ID
RELATIONSHIP_ASSET_TAGRelationship between assets and the tags that have been assigned to themAsset ID & Tag ID