Being alerted by monitors allows you to be proactive about issues detected by Sifflet and to react before the issue impacts your teams and any decision they might be about to make. It also allows you to be alerted in case of a monitor misconfiguration to ensure that it doesn't go unnoticed and that your monitoring coverage remains intact.
Before setting notifications, make sure to setup alerting channels
Before any Notifications may be configured, Collaboration Tools need to be connected.
How to
Setup Notifications
Notifications are messages sent through chosen communication channels when a Monitor doesn't succeed, triggering an Incident creation. A Notification's main goal are making sure the information reaches the right stakeholders as soon as possible and facilitating debugging.
Collaboration Tools
In order to be able to configure Notifications, remember to setup Collaboration Tools beforehand.
Monitor-level setup
Notifications configuration is available as the last step of a manual Monitor configuration process and it can be revisited at any time. It's possible to choose multiple Alert Channels for the same Monitor. Furthermore, it's possible to customize the Alert Message, so that it'd provide the right information to the informed stakeholders, facilitating troubleshooting or providing guidance on what should be done in case of that particular Monitor failing.
Read Notifications
Notifications are triggered if a Monitor Run doesn't succeed and instead results in one of the following Monitor Run Statuses: Failure
, Requires attention
, or Technical error
Independently from a Collaboration Tools, a Notification contains the same level of information. Below is an example of a Slack Notification.
The title of the Notification follows a syntax below:
[Alert emoji ] [Monitor Name] [on] [Asset Name] [Monitor Run Status]
The message configured in the Monitor Configuration Step. This message is "fixed" - its content is defined by the user and doesn't change depending on e.g. the Run Status.
The reason that caused the monitor to fail.
The time of the failed Monitor Run.
Optionally: Window of scanned data
This section reflects the Time Window Monitor setting. It shows up only if a Monitor has that parameter configured.
See Failing Monitor
It redirects to Monitor Page and is normally a good starting point for troubleshooting.
See Incident
Redirects to the Incident Page to get more insights into the impact of your asset on the rest of the business.
As Code
In notifications
Kind: The kind of notification hook you're setting up in the monitor:
name: The name of the collaboration channel or the email .
- kind: Slack
name: auto-demo
- kind: Slack
name: auto-demo-slack
- kind: Email
name: [email protected]
- kind: MicrosoftTeams
name: General
incident.message: A custom message that will be added to alerts
severity: Low
message: If this monitor fails I'll eat my shoe
createOnFailure: false
Updated 4 months ago