Snowflake URI format

URI definition for Snowflake follows this standard:

Identifier fragments:

  • Namespace: snowflake://{organization name}-{account name}
    • Scheme = snowflake
    • Authority = {organization name}-{account name}
  • Unique name: {database}.{schema}.{table}

URI format:

  • snowflake://{organization name}-{account name}/{database}.{schema}.{table}

Alternative identifier for Snowflake:

  • Snowflake was initially making user identify their account using account identifier looking like that Because of that you are allowed to define your Snowflake authority using this account identifier in Sifflet as well.
  • It would make the URI look like this format: snowflake://{account locator}/{database}.{schema}.{table}

Parameters limitations:

  • organization name must start with a lowercase or uppercase letter and include only lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers (regex: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)
  • account name must start with a lowercase or uppercase letter and include only lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, underscores and dashes (regex: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)
  • account name must start with a lowercase or uppercase letter and include only lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, dots and dashes (regex: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)
  • database, schema and table can have two format, following Snowflake naming standards: quoted format and unquoted format
    • unquoted identifier must include only lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, underscores and dollars
    • quoted identifier needs to be quoted using double quotes and must include only characters included in the unicode range U+0001 to U+FFFF. If a double quote character is present in the name, it needs to be escaped with another double quote character in front of it.


  • snowflake://
  • snowflake://sifflet-aws-us-east-2/"data.base my"."sCHE.MA my"."TA.BLE my"
  • snowflake://sifflet-aws-us-east-2/"♞"."♛"."♔"