Freshness (Update Time Gap)
The Freshness(Update Time Gap) monitor detects when the time between ingestion diverges from the regular timeline.
Metadata Monitoring
Metadata can be defined as information about data, including its structure and transformations applied to it. Metadata monitoring helps identify and address issues related to data integration, and data transformations.
As data volumes and complexities continue to grow, metadata monitoring is becoming increasingly crucial for maintaining a reliable and trustworthy data ecosystem.
How to
Sensitivity: The Sensitivity parameter affects how wide the confidence for the expected data refresh should be.
Training Time
Due to the lack of history available, this monitor needs training time to be effective so you will need to wait a few data update cycles.
This monitor depends heavily on a schedule, if you refresh your data every day, ensure you run this monitor every hour!
Use an @hourly schedule to get one point per hour
The freshness(Update time Gap) graph shows the number of hours/days since the last update. Should the time since the last update go out of range th
Supported Databases
- Snowflake
- Bigquery
- Databricks
- Oracle
- Mysql
Updated 4 months ago