AI Suggestions


Sifflet leverages machine learning to automatically generate classification tags and descriptions recommendations for your Tables & Views assets' columns, therefore simplifying the enrichment of your data catalog.

Classification tags AI suggestions help you categorize your data assets and monitors in a more accurate and comprehensive manner.

Descriptions recommendations allow you to enrich your data assets documentation and ensure the content of your datasets' columns are clear to all data stakeholders.

Classification Tags AI Suggestions

Classification tags AI suggestions are available for all your Tables & Views assets' fields. AI suggestions are only available for the latest version of the schema in case multiple schema versions are attached to your data asset.

AI Suggestions

Classification Tags AI Suggestions

Dismissing an AI Suggestion

To dismiss an AI Suggestion, click the Dismiss button of the AI Suggestion tile.

Dismissing an AI Suggestion

Dismissing a Classification Tags AI Suggestion

Adding an AI Suggestion

To validate an AI Suggestion and therefore add the suggested classification tag to your field, click the Add button of the AI Suggestion tile.

Validating an AI Suggestion

Validating a Classification Tags AI Suggestion

Descriptions AI Suggestions

Descriptions AI suggestions are available for all your Tables & Views assets' fields.

Description AI Suggestions

Description AI Suggestions

Editing an AI Suggestion

To edit an AI Suggestion, click the Edit button (pencil icon) of the AI Suggestion tile.

Editing Description AI Suggestion

Editing a Description AI Suggestion

You can then modify the suggested description as needed and click on the Cancel button to cancel your modifications or on the Save and add button to add the modified description to your field.

Editing Description AI Suggestion

Editing a Description AI Suggestion

Refreshing an AI Suggestion

To refresh an AI Suggestion, click the Refresh button (round arrow icon) of the AI Suggestion tile.

Refreshing Description AI Suggestion

Refreshing a Description AI Suggestion

In most cases, three different flavours of descriptions are suggested per field. There might be cases where less descriptions are suggested. When only one suggested description is available, the Refresh button is disabled.

Dismissing an AI Suggestion

To dismiss an AI Suggestion, click the Dismiss button of the AI Suggestion tile.

Dismissing Description AI Suggestion

Dismissing a Description AI Suggestion

Adding an AI Suggestion

To validate an AI Suggestion and therefore add the suggested description to your field, click the Add button of the AI Suggestion tile.

Adding Description AI Suggestion

Adding a Description AI Suggestion

Enabling/Disabling AI Suggestions

AI suggestions are by default turned on.

To disable AI Suggestions, click the AI Suggestions toggle button.

AI Suggestions Toggle

AI Suggestions Toggle

Turning off AI Suggestions prevents them from showing up on all assets your user has access to. It however does not prevent them from being created nor from showing up for other users.